After all, I was well over thirty although I looked a little younger. I hesitated for a few moments: this guy was a bit young for me. Man, my own cock stood rigid to attention within seconds. I was close enough to see his ten-inch uncut thin cock dribbling its pre-cum out of its slit hole. I drew up alongside a black Honda in which I saw a handsome young blond blue-eyed twenty-year-old guy jacking himself off to the disco music on his car stereo. Although I had showered before leaving home, my body dripped with fresh manly-smelling sweat. I was dressed only in a wife beater and ratty cut- off denims with a hole in their crotch and the ass seam ripped out. Last Sunday, I drove my Cherokee to the cruising area in the parking lot surrounding Memorial Gardens. I'm not too fussy: any guy will do as long as he has the right equipment to hit my spot. My cock is hard for some guy to suck it and, hopefully, I want the same guy to fuck me into a frenzy of thrusting horny sex.
I wake up late on Sunday morning with my ass hole feeling quite unloved. I'm a natural bottom and I always get to find a guy with a hard cock to worship and pound my love tube. I miss the sex that I have on Friday night when I get to pick up some horny stud in Bobby's bar. I have to work on the late shift and I don't get to bed until way after midnight. Sunday afternoon in Houston can be real hot if your ass hole is aching for a horny hard cock.